Six months ago, I was looking after an all-in-one intuitive and in the same time powerful software for all of my Beauty Center activities, processes, resources (e.g. booking system, Customers Database, Inventory of products, Statistics of services/customers, Employee Management, etc.). Knowing quite well the existing solutions on the market and their features, I have to admit that from the beginning I was very impressed by the comprehensive list of features, modularity and versatility of MerlinX2.
Having a conservative approach and trying to minimize at maximum the risks I’ve decided to start a trial period with MerlinX2 to see if the impressive list of features is indeed delivered on a day-by-day basis and within the reliability range I was looking for. All the expectations of MerlinX2 were met during the evaluation period and moreover, with the outstanding support of the local Ikosoft team, many times they were exceeded.
MerlinX2 today is the only application which fully assists me in the management decision process of my business. It is an impressive application with unlimited applicability in our activities and which significantly improved our image in front of our demanding customers by contributing with a truly value added towards our Beauty Center delivered services.
 Costea Veronica, Veronique Beauty Center
Bucharest Roumanie
Merlin X2 a devenit partenerul prin excelenta al saloanelor Vogue Beauty Center in ceea ce priveste managementul organizational, oferindu-ne o solutie eficienta pentru problemele complexe ale oricarei afaceri de succes.
Merlin X2 inseamna planificare, coordonare si evaluare a relatiilor dintre membrii echipei Vogue Beauty Center si clienti.
Bucuresti Roumanie
Anul trecut am decis sa achizitionam o aplicatie de gestiune pentru saloanele noastre. Prin reprezentantii L'Oreal am aflat de sistemul Merlin X2 si ne-am hotarat sa il testam.
Acum Merlin este indispensabil activitatii saloanelor Evidence Beauty, fiind un sistem informatic adaptat oricarui salon de coafura, dezvoltat si actualizat in permanenta de echipa Ikosoft.
Bucuresti Roumanie